¨ Dec. 20th – 31st
No School – Christmas Break
¨ Jan. 4th
Basketball Practice
3:15 – 5:30
¨ Jan. 5th
10:00 start & Parent Drive Morning
¨ Jan. 6th
Basketball Practice
3:15 – 5:30
¨ Jan. 10th
PTF Meeting 6:30
¨ Jan. 11th
Basketball Practice
3:15 – 5:30
¨ Jan. 13th
Basketball Game at
Trinity (Nicollet) 4:30
Christmas Party
Classroom Christmas parties and a Pizza Lunch will be Friday, December 17th.
This will be a full day of school. Please remember to bring in your present for the gift exchange.
Christmas Break
We do not have school December 20th through December 31st. Merry Christmas!
Classes resume on Monday, January 3rd.
10:00 Start & Parent Drive Morning
Looking ahead our next late start and Parent Drive Morning is Wednesday, January 5th. If before school care is needed (Latch Key) please contact Brittany Clark: 320-582-3133 or
Basketball Practice
Starts up again on Tuesday, January 4th.
If you would be interested in helping drive to practices and/or games just let us know what day and how many players you can take. The more help the better!
Scrip Orders
Scrip orders can still be brought in but will not get processed or returned before Christmas. This is a year long fundraiser so they can be entered at any time.
Remember to have your children bring in shoes to wear in the classroom. We don’t like wearing wet snowy boots into the classroom.
Snow Days or Late Starts
Please have a plan in place if we have any Snow Days, Early Closings, or Late Starts. We follow the Hutchinson Public Schools so if they are late or closed, we will be as well. If we decide to close independently it will be posted on Facebook, as well as a text (through the Remind app) and email sent out.
Student Teachers
In Mr. Gephart’s Room: Hello! My name is Miss Samantha Paul and I have had the wonderful opportunity of working with the 4th-8th grade students the past couple of months. I am originally from the Twin Cities, right now my family lives in Maple Grove. I attended Lutheran grade school for K-8 and then went to West Lutheran High School. I am now a Senior at MLC and will be graduating in the spring with an Elementary Education major and Science minor. Growing up and still today I enjoy playing lots of sports or finding fun ways to get outside or be active. I enjoy basketball and volleyball the most. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family since much of my extended family lives in the surrounding areas of New Ulm. I have had an amazing time getting to know the students here at Immanuel Lutheran. I hope I have taught them as much as they have taught me.
In Mrs. Utsch’s Room: Hello Immanuel 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade parents! My name is Laura Schrader and I am a senior at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. I am originally from Saginaw, MI. At MLC I am studying Elementary Education. Some of the requirements are to complete 6 weeks at a public school, or in my case, at Immanuel. I needed to complete my experience in the 1st-3rd grade range and Immanuel was the best fit for me! This May I am on track to graduate and receive my first call. I have enjoyed these past 6 weeks learning from your students and teaching them! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your family and celebrate the birth of our Savior!